Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Songs to soothe the Tuesday blues away.......

Marden Hill
Friends Of Distinction

Marden Hill - Bardot

Friends Of Distinction - Lonesome Mood

I don't know about you but personally Tuesday is the lowest point of the week for me. The excitement of the weekend's gone but you're still not even half way through the working week.

Therefore, allow me to soothe away those post weekend blues by offering up two downtempo masterpieces.

The first of these is by a group calling themselves Marden Hill. I've never heard or seen anything else by this group but this particular song appeared on the compilation Late Night Sessions Vol 2.
The tune begins with the vocalist warbling in a Serge Gainsbourg manner about "Bardot being next to bed in the dictionary" over delicate piano and strings. This then slowly builds up into an epic John Barry at his Bond Best style orchestral instrumental.
Seriously, if any of their other tunes are half as good as this I want to hear the album Lost Weekend

The second tune up for offer is by The Friends Of Distinction, a 60's/70's soul group who created some beautiful soul music. You can read more about the history of the group here. This particular track came to my attention thanks to Radio 1 dj and the man who shaped my music listening for many years on Kiss FM, Giles Petersen. Most of their stuff was more upbeat funk r'n'b but I think they handle the downtempo just as well.

It's a swooning track of mournful regret interlaced with sharp bursts of horn. Or, alternatively, it's just a really good soul song. It comes from the album Grazin released in 1969. Well worth picking up.

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